Saturday, 17 January 2015

Gotta work the FMQ!

I got some practice Free-Motion Quilting today. I have been avoiding it but it's time now. I used to be a little nervous about it and have tried it a couple of times. I suppose all the practice you need to put in was keeping me away.

This year though - I must conquer FMQ and finish the many tops that need to be quilted.

So I spent a few hours practising my stippling. It was fun and I could see progress even in those few hours. So there is hope! :)

Some things I learned as I worked:

  • Use a pillow or cushion to sit on as well as lean back on. 
  • Be very aware of your body and shoulders and relax them when you feel yourself tensing up.
  • Keep your hands relaxed on the quilt while maintaining control.
  • Have the machine set to go fast but move the quilt slowly. I tend to move faster when the needle is moving faster but I realized that I needed to slow down to stay in control and keep the stitch length consistent. 
  • Stop often with the needle down.
  • Take frequent breaks. 
This is a good read if you are starting to  Free-Motion!

And of course Leah Day's Free Motion Quilt Along is very good! 

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