Last December, Eric Woolf, Online Media Coordinator for
Fons & Porter asked me if I would review an E-book they had brought out. Of course I said Yes! But then the holidays, the flu, work, and house guests got in the way and I let it slip. So this is a little bit late but here it is anyway - my review of Fons & Porter's
Build you Best Log Cabin Ebook.
The first thing that hit me about this e-book was that it was packed with information! Not only does it give you instructions to make three different styles of log cabin blocks, it also gives you the history of the block, antique samples for each style, and various layouts to customize your quilt. The book features three styles of Log Cabin blocks - Traditional, Courthouse Steps, and Chevrons. The instructions are by way of a simple chart that you can follow to make different sizes of Log Cabin blocks accurately. There are many handy tips and tricks thrown in too.